Cycling Towards a More Sustainable Transport Future

Source: Transport Reviews

This article examines the boom in cycling research and publications that has accompanied the rapid growth in cycling infrastructure and cycling levels in Western Europe and the Americas. It shows that cycling levels at least tripled or quadrupled in 20 large cities while cycling safety has improved in almost all countries, with falling rates of cyclist fatalities and serious injuries per capita, per 100 million km cycled, and per 100,000 trips. Separate cycling infrastructure is responsible for much of the improved safety and rising cycling levels. The article concludes by examining three factors likely to promote the continued growth of cycling in coming years: rapidly expanding bike sharing programs; increased adoption of electric-assist bikes; and the trend among younger generations moving back to mixed-use central city areas with bikeable trip distances, and toward lower rates of driver licensing, car ownership, and car use than for older generations.

Bibliographic info: John Pucher and Ralph Buehler, "Cycling Towards a More Sustainable Transport Future," Transport Reviews, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp. 689-694.

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