More International Resources Webinars

Bicycle Signals

Presented by: Dave Kirschner; Peter Koonce; Rock Miller

Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity

Presented by: Gary Jensen, Federal Highway Administration; Hannah Twaddell, ICF; Kim Voros, Alta Planning and Design; Joe Broach, Portland State University

Tools to Inventory Pedestrian Crossing Infrastructure

Presented by: Tim Fremaux, Los Angeles DOT; Lorraine Moyle, Florida DOT; Carey Shepherd, FHWA-Florida Division

Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Program: Selecting Countermeasures for Uncontrolled Crossing Locations

Presented by: Gabe Rousseau, Federal Highway Administration; Lauren Blackburn, VHB; Charlie Zegeer, UNC Highway Safety Research Center

Safety Performance Measures for Bicyclists and Pedestrians

Presented by: Amy Schick, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; David Kopacz, Federal Highway Administratio

Determining the Safety Impacts of Bicycling and Walking Investments

Presented by: Daniel Carter, UNC Highway Safety Research Center; Raghavan Srinivasan, UNC Highway Safety Research Center; Krista Nordback, UNC Highway Safety Research Center

Addressing Speed-Related Crashes with a Focus on Protecting Children

Presented by: Nancy Pullen-Seufert, National Center for Safe Routes to School; Leah Walton, National Transportation Safety Board; Ivan Cheung, National Transportation Safety Board; Margot OcaƱas, Los Angeles Department of Transportation; Nina Haiman, New York City Department of Transportation; Juan Martinez, New York City Department of Transportation

Making Signals Work for Bicyclists and Pedestrians

Presented by: Peter Koonce, PE, of Portland, OR

Design Innovation and the MUTCD Experimentation Process

Presented by: Bill DeSantis, VHB; Dave Kirschner, Federal Highway Administration

Walking and Biking in an Automated Future Webinar Series: Part II: Policies to Prepare for an Automated Future

Presented by: Mollie Pelon, NACTO; Susan Handy, UC-Davis National Center for Sustainable Transportation; Joe Iacobucci, Sam Schwartz Engineering; Art Pearce, City of Portland