More Safety and Mobility for Older Adults Webinars

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning? There's an App for That!

Presented by: Andrew Rankin, Commuter Connection; Elizabeth Sall, San Francisco County Transportation Authority; Gizachew "Giz" Andargeh, Washington, DC, Office of Planning


Presented by: Peter Lagerwey, Senior Planner, Toole Design Group

Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Webinars

Presented by: Peter Eun, FHWA Resource Center Safety Engineer; Ryan Snyder, President, Ryan Snyder Associates; Paul Zykofsky, Director, Land Use and Transportation Programs, Local Government Commission; Peter Lagerwey, Senior Planner, Toole Design Group; Charlie Zegeer, PBIC Director; Nancy Pullen-Seufert, Associate Director, National Center for Safe Routes to School; Peter Flucke, President, WE BIKE, etc., LLC; Hillary Isebrands, FHWA Resource Center Safety Specialist; Michael Moule, Principal Transportation Engineer, NelsonNygaard Consulting Associates, Inc.; Keith Sinclair, Acting Assistant Division Administrator, FHWA Connecticut Division; Peter Lagerwey, Senior Planner, Toole Design Group

Session 3: The Power of 25

Presented by: Peter Lagerwey, Toole Design Group

Session 2: Making Streets Accessible to All

Presented by: Michael Ronkin, Consultant

Session 1: Policy, Design and Importance of Accessible Pedestrian Environments for Livable Communities

Presented by: Jana Lynott, AARP's Public Policy Institute; Scott Windley, U.S. Access Board.