More Bike Share Resources

Developing Ways to Expand Use of Micromobility in Historically Marginalized Communities

Announces funding and resources for partnerships in four cities to expand micromobility.
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Micromobility, Equity and Sustainability

Source: International Transport Forum (ITF)
Examines micromobility trends and reviews its benefits and social costs to help develop governance frameworks and regulations that maximize the contributions of e-scooters, electric bikes, and pedal bikes to more sustainable mobility while minimizing negative effects.
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Measuring the Sustainability of Shared E-Scooters

Source: CitiesToday
Explains the need for common ways of measuring the sustainability of e-scooters through life cycle assessments to appraise environmental performance and provides cases studies from four cities.
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Arrested Mobility: Barriers to Walking, Biking, and E-Scooter Use in Black Communities in the United States

Source: Equitable Cities
Reviews transportation-related laws, policies, and practices concerning walking, cycling, and e-scooter use that limit mobility, opportunity, and access for Black Americans and other people of color.
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The Future of Bikeway Design Guidance Working Papers

Source: National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)
Shares the final three working papers in a series on new bikeway design guidance.
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Modeling the Demand for Shared E-Scooter Services

Source: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Presents the findings on modeling demand for shared e-scooter services.
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Differences between Shared and Personal Micromobility

Source: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment)
Finds that trip distance, precipitation, and access are fundamental to mode choice and that personal e-scooters and e-bikes emit less CO2 than the transport modes they replace, while shared e-scooters and e-
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San Francisco, CA: E-Scooter Program for People with Disabilities

Source: Next City
Reports that Bird is expanding a pilot to make adaptive e-scooters and e-wheelchairs available for shared use on San Francisco streets.
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Understanding Micromobility Safety Behavior and Standardizing Safety Metrics for Transportation System Integration

Source: Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety (CSCRS)
A report that shares results from a project that explored micromobility safety, especially as it relates to e-scooters.
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E-Scooter Safety: Issues and Solutions

Source: Transportation Research Board
Presents results from an ongoing research project on emerging safety issues arising from the expanding use of e-scooters.
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