More Funding Projects and Programs Resources

Developing Ways to Expand Use of Micromobility in Historically Marginalized Communities

Announces funding and resources for partnerships in four cities to expand micromobility.
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Resources for State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators

Offers information and resources for State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators.
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Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Explores the enduring effects of segregation and present-day social factors on current street conditions around schools and disinvested communities via a StoryMap focusing on these impacts in Atlanta,
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Walkability Wins

Source: America Walks
This monthly roundup covers pedestrian plazas, Complete Streets policies, and plans for funding in cities and states across the country.
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Trails and Resilience: Review of the Role of Trails in Climate Resilience and Emergency Response

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Describes seven programs and funding sources to improve transportation infrastructure resilience, including investments to improve trails.
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FHWA Active Transportation Funding and Financing Toolkit

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
The new Active Transportation Funding and Finance Toolkit from FHWA highlights innovative funding and finance strategies for implementing active transportation projects.
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New USDOT National Roadway Safety Strategy and FHWA Update to Highway Safety Improvement Program

Source: USDOT
At its core, the NRSS is a USDOT-wide adoption of the Safe System Approach, focused on five key objectives: safer people, safer roads, safer vehicles, safer speeds, and post-crash care.
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New FHWA Complete Streets Report to Congress

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Recommends making Complete Streets the default road design model to help improve safety and access for all users.
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Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation Decision-Making

Source: USDOT
Offers ways for practitioners to effectively engage community members.
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Complete Streets: Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

Source: FHWA Public Roads Magazine Winter 2023 Issue
Compiles FHWA activities and ongoing efforts to promote the Complete Streets model through the lens of five areas.
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