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A Method to Identify Changes in Pedestrian and Cyclist Collision Rates

In this study actual collision counts were used to create a longitudinal confidence region around the minimum collision rate of an intersection.
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School Transportation Safety: An Observational Study of Drivers and Pupils on the School Bus

The objective of the study was to observe seatbelt usage, pupil and bus driver behavior and potential safety hazards on buses used for school transportation.
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Increasing Powered Two-Wheels' (PTWs') Detectability by Using Phi-Phenomenon

The study evaluates the potential of a unique display of two helmet-mounted lights that blink in an alternating manner to create movement illusion to increase PTWs' conspicuity and visibility.
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The Influence of the Individual's Risk Perception and Attitudes on Travel Behavior

This study analyzes the effect of individuals' risk perception and beliefs, in addition to demographic and socio-economic characteristics, on their willingness to shift from car to public transportation and walking.
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Drivers Perception of Vulnerable Road Users - A Hazard Perception Approach

An assessment of hazard perception abilities of drivers to vulnerable road users.
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Evaluation of Lane Reduction "Road Diet" Measures on Crashes

Source: Highway Safety Information System (HSIS)
The objective of this reanalysis was to estimate the change in total crashes resulting from the conversions in two databases and to combine these estimates into a crash modification factor(CMF).
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Practical Methods for Analyzing Pedestrian and Bicycle Use of a Transportation Facility

Source: Center for Transportation Studies
The objective of the project is to analyze existing technologies used for the process of generating counts of bicycles and pedestrians in transportation facilities.
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The National Bicycling and Walking Study: 15-Year Status Report

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This update to the National Bicycling and Walking Study reports progress toward two national goals of increasing mode share while reducing fatalities and injuries.
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Bike Corrals

Source: Portland State University School of Urban Studies and Planning
The purpose of this preliminary study was to research and closely examine the perceived benefits and impacts of bike corrals on local businesses proximate to a corral.
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Detecting Motorcyclists and Bicyclists at Intersections

Source: Public Roads Magazine
A new multisensor system differentiates vehicles on the road, which could save lives.
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