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Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design 2010 Update

Source: National Center for Bicycling & Walking
This guide tells you how to help create places for people to walk and bicycle.
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Public Policies for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
A policy review for bicycling and walking safety and mobility from an International Scan conducted in May of 2009 in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.
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Walking and Cycling to Health

Source: American Journal of Public Health
This study sought to determine the magnitude, direction, and statistical significance of the relationship between active travel and rates of physical activity, obesity, and diabetes.
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Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices

Source: American Planning Association (APA)
Drawing on lessons learned from more than 30 communities around the country, this report provides insight into successful policy and implementation practices that have resulted in complete streets.
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Street Design: Part 1 - Complete Streets

Source: Federal Highway Administration
From policy statements to programs and planning, opportunities abound for improving the accessibility of the transportation system for all users.
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The Profile of Bicycle User in the City of Juiz de Fora, Brazil

This research aims to identify the bicycle user profile, knowing their socioeconomic characteristics and use of bicycles as transportation in order to use these data as a tool.
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Universal Helmet Law: The Interaction Between Law, Enforcement, and Culture on Level of Use

While the discussion about the necessity of the helmet law in the political sphere is at its peak, it was deemed necessary to ascertain the public opinion on this issue.
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How to Make More Cycling Good for Road Safety?

A structured survey of the available knowledge from research trying the give an answer to the question how to make more cycling good for safety.
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Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities

Source: International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
This report focuses on smart growth strategies that can help guide growth in rural areas while protecting natural and working lands and preserving the rural character of existing communities.
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Difficulties of Older Cyclists and Their Compensation

Thirty cyclists were interviewed and were asked for their cycling habits and how they deal with different situations in traffic.
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