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High-Volume Pedestrian Crossings

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The development of a methodology was needed to guide the design of pedestrian crossings in areas with very high pedestrian volumes in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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Curb Bulb-outs with Bicycle Parking

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The City of Corvallis decided to install three curb bulb-outs/curb extensions on the main commercial strip to maximize their impact in an area with heavy bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
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Walkability, Transit Access, and Traffic Exposure for Low-Income Residents With Subsidized Housing

Source: American Journal of Public Health
This paper examines the walkability, transit access and traffic exposure issues faced by individuals living in subsidized housing.
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Evaluating Complete Streets

Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute
This report discusses reasons to implement complete streets and how it relates to other planning innovations.
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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Source: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
This study examines travel behavior and mobility of transportation-disadvantaged groups, including older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and those living in rural areas.
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Midsize Cities on the Move

Source: Reconnecting America
This report explores the "next generation" of transit in midsize cities, with a focus on best practices in transit planning, funding strategies, and outcomes.
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Cycle-Rail Toolkit

Source: Association of Train Operating Companies
This toolkit reviews existing practices that promote and enable accessibility of rail transit services for bicyclists.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities - Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes

Source: Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)
This report explores traveler response to nonmotorized transportation facilities both in isolation and as part of the total urban fabric, along with the effects of associated programs and promotion.
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Determinants of Bicycle Commuting in the Washington, DC, Region

Source: Virginia Tech
This article examines the role of bicycle parking, cyclist showers, free car parking and transit benefits as determinants of cycling to work.
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A Summary of Design, Policies and Operational Characteristics for Shared Bicycle/Bus Lanes

Source: University of South Florida, Florida Department of Transportation
This report contains the results of an investigation of the design and operation of shared bicycle/bus lanes in municipalities in the United States and other countries.
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