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Pedestrians’ Valuations of Footpaths

Source: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
This report considers how cost-benefit analyses can explain the extent to which different improvements in the walking environment can affect people's decisions to walk on certain routes.
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Bicycle-Friendly Cities – The Relevance of Urban Form and Infrastructure

Source: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
This report analyzes the extent to which urban form and the design of the transport system can explain the level of cycling.
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Development of a Navigation System Using Smartphone and Bluetooth Technologies to Help the Visually Impaired Navigate Work Zones Safely

Source: Minnesota Department of Transportation
In this study, a navigation system was developed to alert pedestrians at decision points prior to their arrival at a work zone
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Human Factors Assessment of Pedestrian Roadway Crossing Behaviors

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This report explores the influence of pedestrian and environmental factors in crossing location choices.
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Comprehensive Study to Reduce Pedestrian Crashes in Florida

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
This project aimed to improve pedestrian safety on Florida's state roads by identifying crash patterns and contributing factors at the statewide and site-specific level and proposing countermeasures to reduce crashes.
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Perceptions of Bicycle-Friendly Policy Impacts on Accessibility to Transit Services

Source: Mineta Transportation Institute
This research project was designed to assess the distances travelled on bicycle by cycle-transit users.
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Effect of Gate Skirts on Pedestrian Behavior at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings

Source: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
The purpose of this evaluation was to determine if the addition of gate skirting would result in fewer pedestrian crossing violations after the gates began to descend.
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A Guide for Maintaining Pedestrian Facilities for Enhanced Safety

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This resource provides guidance for maintaining pedestrian facilities with the primary goal of increasing safety and mobility.
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Guide for Maintaining Pedestrian Facilities for Enhanced Safety - Research Report

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This research report provides guidance for maintaining pedestrian facilities with the primary goal of increasing safety and mobility.
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State by State Yielding Laws

Source: America Walks, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
This database provides information about each state's crosswalk laws.
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