More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Bikeway Planning and Design

Source: California Highway Design
This section of a design manual provides various design information for bikeway planning and design. Topics covered include facility selection, design criteria, design speeds, suface tolerances, and more.
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Bike and Pedestrian Projects: Best Practices in New Jersey and Beyond

Source: Transportation Policy Institute
This presentation shows examples of good pedestrian and bicycle design in New Jersey. It discusses the need for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and the impact that walkable designs have on public health.
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An Intensive Pedestrian Safety Engineering Study Using Computerized Crash Analysis

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This paper describes the technical procedures and the pedestrian countermeasure plan that resulted from an intensive study designed to analyze pedestrian injuries by zones (i.e., neighborhoods or districts)
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Active Living Approaches by Local Government

Source: International City/County Management Association
This paper discusses the results of surveys of local government officials regarding their ability to encourage active living in communities.
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Active Living and Social Equity: Creating Healthy Communities for All Residents

Source: International City/County Management Association
This guide explains the connections between active living and social equity, provides a toolbox of local government strategies for promoting active living equitably, and highlights notable examples of local initiatives from around the country.
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Enhancing America's Communities

Source: National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse
This third edition of Enhancing America's Communities highlights a variety of transportation enhancement projects from around the country, showcasing the potential of TE to build strong places through targeted transportation investments.
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Arizona: Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Source: Arizona Department of Transportation
This is a guide for making pedestrian-related transportation decisions at the State and local level. The plan provides a long-term agenda for implementing a system of pedestrian facilities on the ADOT State Highway System and seeks to coordinate the relationship between ADOT and smaller jurisdictions.
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Traffic Control Devices Handbook

Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers
This Handbook bridges the gap between the MUTCD provisions and those decisions to be made in the field on device usage and application.
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Walking and Bicycling Suitability Assessment Project

Source: WABSA Project
A user-friendly tool designed to assess the suitability of local streets for walking and bicycling.
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Eighth United States-Japan Workshop on Advanced Technology in Highway Engineering

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report summarizes the 8th U.S.- Japan Workshop on Pedestrian and Nighttime Safety. Focus areas included general trends in the U.S. and Japan, funding, disabled and elderly pedestrians, Geographic Information Systems (
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