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Evaluating Complete Streets Projects: A Guide for Practitioners

Source: National Complete Streets Coalition
This resource, meant for agencies interested in but just beginning their project evaluation efforts, intends to provide general steps to take in evaluating projects and discuss useful measures for common Complete Streets goals of access,
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National Complete Streets Coalition

Source: Smart Growth America
As a program of Smart Growth America, the National Complete Streets Coalition promotes complete streets through advocacy efforts, policy analysis, and technical assistance.
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Complete Streets

Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Complete streets are designed and operate to enable safe and convenient access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and across a complete street.
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"New Pedestrian Detector from Google Could Make Self-Driving Cars Cheaper

Source: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Spectrum
A deep learning system works 60 times faster than previous methods.
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Deep Learning Makes Driverless Cars Better at Spotting Pedestrians

Source: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Spectrum
Pedestrian detection systems for cars could become faster and more accurate with help from deep learning algorithms.
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The Bicyclists' Manifesto for an Autonomous Vehicle Future

Source: Planetizen
"Policy goals" won't be enough to protect bicyclists once the cars start driving themselves. Strong standards will be necessary to govern the interactions between cars and bikes in an autonomous future.
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Uber admits to self-driving car 'problem' in bike lanes as safety concerns mount

Source: The Guardian
Engineers were working to fix programming flaw that could have deadly results for cyclists days after Uber announced it would openly defy California regulators.
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The Self-Driving Car's Bicycle Problem

Source: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Spectrum
Uber's experiment in San Francisco showed that bicycles and bike lanes are a problem self-driving cars are struggling to crack.
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Autonomous Vehicles: Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out?

Source: Planetizen
The implications of autonomous vehicles for social interactions are potentially vast.
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Ten rules for cities about automated vehicles

Source: Congress for the New Urbanism
Traditional urbanism evolved over millennia to meet human needs. The adoption of AVs should not be allowed to replace time-tested places with something that would probably make our lives worse.
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