More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

State and Regional Agencies Work with Community Members in Charleston

Source: National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report on Transportation and Health
A partnership for health in Charleston, South Carolina, uses a citizen survey to help determine and ensure preferred allocation of transportation funds to pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
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Safety and Location Criteria for Bicycle Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report is a compendium of all research activities undertaken during the Safety and Locational Criteria for Bicycle Facilities research projet.
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State of the Art: Class I Bicycle Path Pavements

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report presents the state-of-the-art (at the time of writing) of Class I bicycle path pavements.
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School Trip Safety and Urban Play Areas

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The purpose of the School Trip Safety and Urban Play Areas research project was to develop guidelines for the protection of young pedestrians (5 -14 yrs) walking to and from school, entering and leaving school buses,
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Planning for the Bicycle as a Form of Transportation

Source: Federal Highway Administration
A Bikeway Systems Planning Manual for assisting public officials and bicycle enthusiast groups in designing and implementing safe and economic bikeways in the local community.
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Planning, Design, and Maintenance of Pedestrian Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This handbook consolidates the current state-of-the-art pertaining to pedestrian facilities.
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The Feasibility of Accommodating Physically Handicapped Individuals on Pedestrian Over and Undercrossing Structures

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report describes the evalutation of a sampling of over- and undercrossing structures to identify major and minor access barriers for the physically handicapped.
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Effective Treatments of Over and Undercrossings for Use by Bicyclists, Pedestrians, and the Handicapped

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This study provides information about over and undercrossings directed toward planners, designers, and decision makers who are trying to best serve the needs of bicyclists, pedestrians, and the handicapped,
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Older Pedestrian Characteristics for Use in Highway Design

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The objective of this project was to develop traffic planning and engineering guidelines for the design of pedestrian facilities that are sensitive to the needs of older pedestrians.
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Model Pedestrian Safety Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This Supplement to the Model Pedestrian Safety Program User's Guide provides detailed information on specific pedestrian safety countermeasures.
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