More Youth Safety and Mobility Resources

State and Regional Agencies Work with Community Members in Charleston

Source: National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report on Transportation and Health
A partnership for health in Charleston, South Carolina, uses a citizen survey to help determine and ensure preferred allocation of transportation funds to pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
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Historic Neighborhood Schools in the Age of Sprawl: Why Johnny Can't Walk to School

Source: National Trust for Historic Preservation
This report examines public policies that affect the neighborhoods in which schools function and the ability of communities to save still serviceable, landmark schools.
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International Synthesis Report: Australia

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report summarizes Australian research and activities regarding pedestrian safety.
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International Synthesis Report: Netherlands

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report is a review of recent pedestrian safety research in the Netherlands. It addresses several topics, reporting findings and providing a comprehensive list of references.
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Walkable Communities

Source: Iowa Department of Transportation
A 5-minute video featuring Mark Fenton discussing walkable communities, Safe Routes to School and walking school buses.
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The Walking School Bus: Combining Safety, Fun and the Walk to School

Source: National Center for Safe Routes to School
This guide outlines the benefits of starting a walking school bus or bike train and points to consider before launching one. Describes two general ways to conduct a walking school bus along with benefits and considerations of each.
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Maryland Safe Routes to School Guidebook: A Guide for Parents and Communities

Source: Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee & Maryland Department of Transportation
A comprehensive, 49-page guidebook that introduces the Safe Routes to School program to schools, parents and communities in Maryland and explains how to implement an Safe Routes to School program.
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International Walk to School

Source: National Center for Safe Routes to School, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center
The official website of International Walk to School.
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Walk To School Day

Source: Partnership for a Walkable America, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The idea is to walk to school with a purpose -- to promote health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment. You can plan a day-long event or a year-long event! Find out which cities are already planning to participate and register your own event online.
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