More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

FITTING PLACES: How the Built Environment Affects Active Living and Active Transportation.

Source: Go for Green
This discussion paper is intended to provide an introduction to how the design of cities and town influences the behavior of the people who live in them.
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Environmental and Policy Determinants of Physical Activity in the United States

Source: American Journal of Public Health
This study examined (1) descriptive patterns in perceived environmental and policy determinants of physical activity and (2) associations between these factors and behavior. The full text can be obtained through the American Journal of Public Health at the link below.
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The Impact of Community Design and Land-Use Choices on Public Health

Source: American Journal of Public Health
This report describes 37 questions that resulted from a workshop on the relationship between the built environment and physical and mental health. The full text may be obtained from PubMed Central at the link below.
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How the Built Environment Affects Physical Activity

Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine
This article reviews the current methods of measuring the built environment and travel behavior, and discusses the challenges to determining the connection between environment and physical activity.
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Risk Factors For Bicycle-Motor Vehicle Collisions at Intersections

Source: Journal of Safety Research
This paper reports a study of bicycle -motor vehicle collisions in the city of Palo Alto, California. This resource can be purchased through IngentaConnect at the link below.
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Street Crossing Issues for Persons With Cognitive Disabilities

Source: Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
This paper discusses issues and skills affecting safe crossing by persons with cognitive disabilities, and calls for research to identify design features, signalization and technologies that can enable users with cognitive disabilities to cross safely.
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Observational Analysis of Pedestrian, Bicyclist, and Motorist Behaviors at Roundabouts in the United States

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper focused on analyzing the interactions between motorists and pedestrians or bicyclists at roundabouts. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board, or accessed by subscribers.
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National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper discusses the various challenges the pedestrian and bicycle field in documenting usage and demand. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board, or accessed by subscribers.
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Motorist Yielding to Pedestrians at Unsignalized Intersections

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper describes the evaluation of engineering treatments that can be used to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing in marked crosswalks on busy arterial streets. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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Index for Assessing Pedestrian Safety at Intersections

Source: Transportation Research Board
This study attempts to develop a safety index that will allow engineers, planners, and other practitioners to prioritize intersection crosswalks with respect to pedestrian safety. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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