More Plan Development Resources

Oregon: Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Source: Oregon Department of Tranportation
This is one of the first plans developed to promote walking. It is in-depth and informative, addressing various aspects of pedestrian planning.
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Vermont: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Planning and Design Manual

Source: Vermont Agency of Transportation
The manual assists agencies, organizations, and citizens with the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of pedestrian facilities in the variety of settings.
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Florida: Pedestrian Planning and Design Handbook

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
The plan presents guidelines, standards, and criteria for pedestrian planning and facilities. It is intended as a reference for any locality, agency, organization, group, or citizen interested in improving the walking environment.
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VTrans 2025: Virginia's Statewide Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan

Source: Commonwealth of Virginia Secretary of Transportation
Virginia's long-range transportation plan, called VTrans2025, is a blueprint for shaping the transportation future. It establishes a commonly held vision, goals, and objectives to guide and direct decision-
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Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Part II

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This guidebook is the second part of a two-phase project focused on designing sidewalks and trails for access. It was created to provide planners, designers, and transportation engineers with a better understanding of how sidewalks and trails should be developed to promote pedestrian access for all users,
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Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Part I

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The guides Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access Parts 1 and 2 provide the state of the art practice for applying the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and similar requirements to pedestrian facilities.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategic Planning Research Workshops

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
This report presents a summary of the workshop activities, recommendations from the participants, and a series of white papers on a variety of pedestrian and bicycle issues requiring further research.
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Walk To School Day

Source: Partnership for a Walkable America, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The idea is to walk to school with a purpose -- to promote health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment. You can plan a day-long event or a year-long event! Find out which cities are already planning to participate and register your own event online.
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Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This document describes the effects of pedestrians and bicyclists on the capacity of signalized intersections. These procedures augment the existing Highway Capacity Manual signalized intersection Level of Service procedures for locations with substantial pedestrian and/
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Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities

Source: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
This guide provides information on the development of new facilities to enhance and encourage safe bicycle travel. Planning considerations, design and construction guidelines, and operation and maintenance recommendations are included.
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