More Safety and Mobility for Older Adults Resources

North American Conference on Elderly Mobility – Noteworthy Practices Guide

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Provides examples of noteworthy practices from the United States and Canada including safe walking and access to transit.
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Handbook for Designing Roadways for the Aging Population

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Provides practitioners with a practical information source that links aging road user performance to highway design, operational, and traffic engineering features.
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An Aging Nation: The Older Population in the United States

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
This report examines how the age structure of the U.S. population is expected to change over the coming decades and focuses on the older population in terms of age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin.1 The size and structure of the older population is important to public and private interests,
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Training for Healthy Older Drivers

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Examines the effectiveness of four types of training techniques designed to improve the driving preference of normally aging adults.
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Older Drivers in the Workplace: How Employers and Workers Can Prevent Crashes

Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Fact sheet gives employers and workers information on age-related physical and mental changes that may affect older workers’ driving. It is important to accommodate these changes so older workers may continue to contribute their expertise to the workplace under the safest conditions possible.
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Engaging Underserved Communities to Focus on Building More Complete Streets

Source: APHA and Transportation for America
Examines an outreach effort for a regional agency in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
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Strategies for Engaging Community: Developing Better Relationships Through Bike Share

Source: NACTO and Better Bike Share Partnership
Provides guidance for building meaningful and effective relationships with constituents and historically underserved communities.
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Managing Speed

Source: World Health Organization
Demonstrates how excessive and inappropriate speed is among the key risks for road traffic deaths and injuries worldwide and illustrates how safe speeds are among main components of a “safe systems approach” to road safety.
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Complete Streets

Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Complete streets are designed and operate to enable safe and convenient access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and across a complete street.
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Incorporating Qualitative Data in the Planning Process: Improving Project Delivery and Outcomes

Source: US Department of Transportation (USDOT)
Public agencies are always looking for meaningful public and stakeholder input into the planning process. An ongoing challenge in this process is to engage the community in a relevant, ongoing conversation about change in a way that is focused,
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