More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Comic Book: Moving from Cars to People

Source: National Institute for Transportation and Communities
Provides a history in illustrated comic book form of how we ended up with a car-centric built environment.
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Can Design’s Positive Effects Be Scientifically Proven?

Source: ADPro
Describes an innovative area of neuroscience that explores how proximity to the arts and beautiful environments measurably affects humans’ physical and mental well-being.
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Shared Micromobility Permitting, Process, and Participation

Source: NACTO
This is one of seven working papers as part of the update to the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide.
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Multimodal Bike Planning Infographic

Source: FHWA Office of International Programs
Provides an overview of multimodal bike planning learned through binational collaboration with the Netherlands.
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Complete Streets: Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

Source: FHWA Public Roads Magazine Winter 2023 Issue
Compiles FHWA activities and ongoing efforts to promote the Complete Streets model through the lens of five areas.
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Chicago, IL & IL DOT Agree to Streamline Safety Improvements

Reports on a new Memorandum of Understanding between Illinois and Chicago DOTs.
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ITF Gender Analysis Toolkit for Transport

Source: International Transport Forum (ITF)
Explains the three tools that comprise the Gender Analysis Toolkit for Transport, a hands-on method for incorporating a gender-inclusive perspective into transport projects, plans and policies.
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State Geometric Design Procedures for Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (RRR) Projects Memo

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Offers information for FHWA Divisions when they evaluate RRR procedures proposed by States, suggesting they look for procedures and considerations that would help expand multimodal networks.
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NCHRP Report 552: Guidelines for Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities White Paper

Describes a planning tool (no longer supported) based on several research projects that can be used to estimate the costs and benefits of bicycle facilities.
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U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
A landmark interagency framework of strategies and actions to remove all greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector by 2050.
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