More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Getting There Together

Source: Easter Seals Project ACTION
A two-hour training activity designed to teach members of the general public how to work together to support accessible sustainable transportation (i.e., public transportation) in their community.
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Forecasting Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel Demands Using Travel Demand Model and Mode Share/Trip Length Data

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
In order to forecast pedestrian and bicycle usage on the Columbia River Crossing project, agencies were able to plan for and accommodate walking and bicycling on the bridge.
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National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project

Source: Alta Planning and Design and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Pedestrian and Bicycle Council
This nationwide effort provides consistent model of data collection and ongoing data for use by planners, governments, and bicycle and pedestrian professionals.
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International Scan Summary Report on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
This report presents the findings of a team of transportation officials who visited five countries in Europe to identify and assess effective approaches to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and mobility.
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CRC Index: Compatibility of Roads for Cyclists in Rural and Urban Fringe Areas

Source: Transportation Research Board 2003 Annual Meeting
This research aims to build a safety and compatibility index for rural and urban fringe areas, using a combination of parameters (ex. speed, traffic, and layout).
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Pedestrian-Vehicular Crashes: The Influence of Personal and Environmental Factors

Source: University of Maryland
This thesis examines the relationship between land use and pedestrian-vehicle crashes. Analysis focuses on how the pedestrian crashes vary by personal characteristics and physical characteristics of the crash area.
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Increasing the Percentage of Drivers Yielding to Pedestrians in Three Canadian Cities with a Multifaceted Safety Program

Source: Health Education Research
This experiment evaluated the efficacy of a multifaceted pedestrian safety program in three Canadian cities.
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The Epidemic of Pediatric Traffic Injuries in South Florida

Source: American Journal of Public Health
The purpose of this study is to outline the distribution, determinants, and effects of pediatric pedestrian trauma (PPT) in our community.
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Development of Bicycle Compatability Index for Rural Roads in Nebraska

Source: Transportation Research Board
The objective of work described in this paper is to develop a rural equivalent of the Bicycle Compatability Index developed by the Federal Highway Administration.
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Colorado Bicycling Manual

Source: Colorado Department of Transportation Bicycle/Pedestrian Program
This compendium of bicycling information is designed to encourage the use of bicycles by providing information about bicycling in Colorado to make it an easy, safe, and satisfying experience.
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