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The Kaiser Family Foundation's State Health Facts Online

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
This site contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation. Visitors can compare data for all the states on topics including Health Status (
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Data from Healthy People 2010

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services
This site tracks the success of the Healthy People 2010 objectives developed to improve the health of Americans by the year 2010, including the 10 leading health indicators, major data sources, DATA2010 from the The National Center for Health Statistics (
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American College of Sports Medicine

Source: American College of Sports Medicine
The college publishes several journals that report recent research and new developments on physical fitness and the health benefits of active living. The current contents of these journals can be browsed online.
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The Facts: Alcohol Impaired Pedestrians Among Diverse Populations

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Summary of a study that addressed the involvement of various cultural populations in alcohol-related pedestrian crashes, and suggested potential countermeasures targeting this problem.
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Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This is a community-based program that aims to increase opportunities for daily physical activity by encouraging children to walk to and from school in groups accompanied by adults.
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Walk To School Day

Source: Partnership for a Walkable America, U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The idea is to walk to school with a purpose -- to promote health, safety, physical activity and concern for the environment. You can plan a day-long event or a year-long event! Find out which cities are already planning to participate and register your own event online.
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Benefit-Cost Analysis of Bicycle Facilities

Source: University of Minnesota
If your community is considering building a new bicycle facility, you can use this tool to estimate costs, the demand in terms of new cyclists, and measured economic benefits (e.g., time savings, increased livability,
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