More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

The Role of Cognitive, Perceptual, and Motor Abilities in Elderly Pedestrians' Street-Crossing Decisions

The objective of the present study was to better understand the underlying age-related changes that lead to these behaviours, with a special focus on perceptual abilities.
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Pedestrian Crashes and Treatments From Around the World

Source: UNC Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC)
Pedestrian crashes and related deaths and injuries continue to be a serious problem in industrialized and developing countries throughout the world.
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Statewide Opportunities for Integrating Operations, Safety, and Multimodal Planning

Source: Federal Highway Administration
A reference manual designed to provide "how to" information to assist transportation professionals in taking actions to integrate operations, safety, and multimodal transportation planning.
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Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design 2010 Update

Source: National Center for Bicycling & Walking
This guide tells you how to help create places for people to walk and bicycle.
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Walking and Cycling to Health

Source: American Journal of Public Health
This study sought to determine the magnitude, direction, and statistical significance of the relationship between active travel and rates of physical activity, obesity, and diabetes.
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Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices

Source: American Planning Association (APA)
Drawing on lessons learned from more than 30 communities around the country, this report provides insight into successful policy and implementation practices that have resulted in complete streets.
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Street Design: Part 1 - Complete Streets

Source: Federal Highway Administration
From policy statements to programs and planning, opportunities abound for improving the accessibility of the transportation system for all users.
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Comprehensive Intersection Resource Library

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Resources included in this library represent a broad cross section of publications, educational materials and other media published by the Federal Highway Administration and other transportation safety partners.
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Safe Streets for Seniors

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
In New York City, adults aged 65 and older make up 12 percent of the city's population, but accounted for 39 percent of its pedestrian fatalities between 2002 and 2006.
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State Indicator Report on Physical Activity 2010

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
The 2010 State Indicator Report provides information on physical activity behavior and policy and environmental supports within each state.
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