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Micromobility: Data Challenges Associated with Assessing the Prevalence and Risk of Electric Scooter and Electric Bicycle Fatalities and Injuries

Source: National Transportation Safety Board
Evaluates how limitations in available e-scooter and e-bike data present challenges for assessing the safety of these micromobility devices.
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Advancing Trails to Support Multimodal Networks

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Offers a fresh look at the current state of practice for trail development and shares new research and examples of trail implementation in different types of environments and communities.
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Arterial Roads and Pedestrian Safety

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
This slide deck was prepared by the UNC Highway Safety Research Center and Toole Design Group in support of the FHWA-sponsored Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center. It includes information about safety and mobility trends,
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E-Scooter Safety: Issues and Solutions

Source: Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP)
Seeks to advance multimodal road safety by identifying safety risks emerging from the growing use of e-scooters and developing comprehensive guidance, tools, policy options, and educational materials to mitigate those risks.
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FHWA’s Human Factors Biannual Highlight- Summer 2022

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Summer 2022 summary of research and resources from the FHWA Human Factors Team.
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Cycling through the COVID-19 Pandemic to a More Sustainable Transport Future

Source: Sustainability
This article examines the impact of COVID-19 on cycling levels and government policies toward cycling over the period 2019 to 2021.
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PBIC 2021 Annual Report

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Highlights new resources, tools, webinars, and other resources produced by PBIC in 2021.
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Understanding the 2021 Infrastructure Law

Source: Transportation for America
Provides an overview and summary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, charts to illustrate where infrastructure funds are going, descriptions of competitive grant programs, and other resources.
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FHWA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Webpage

Source: FHWA
Serves as a one-stop shop for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and its implementation.
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National Roadway Safety Strategy

Source: USDOT
Addresses the national crisis in roadway fatalities and serious injuries.
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