More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Smart Growth and Economic Success

Source: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
This report is the first in a series from EPA's Smart Growth Program designed to inform developers, businesses, local government, and other groups about the benefits of smart growth development.
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Steps to a Walkable Community

Source: America Walks
This resource is a collection of innovative, multidisciplinary tactics that have successfully improved and encouraged walking in communities around the country.
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Minimum Design Parameters for Cycle Connectivity

Source: New Zealand Transportation Agency
This report explores the relationship between lane/shoulder width and the likelihood of cyclists traversing the edge line into the motorized vehicle stream.
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A Summary of Design, Policies and Operational Characteristics for Shared Bicycle/Bus Lanes

Source: University of South Florida, Florida Department of Transportation
This report contains the results of an investigation of the design and operation of shared bicycle/bus lanes in municipalities in the United States and other countries.
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Sharing the Road: Optimizing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Vehicle Mobility

Source: Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)
This research initiative combines the results of five reports to provide recommendations for improving the multimodal aspects of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) transportation network.
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Community Design and the Incidence of Crashes Involving Pedestrians and Motorists Aged 75 and Over

Source: University Transportation Center for Mobility, Texas Transportation Institute (TTI)
This study employs a series of negative binomial regression models to understand how urban form may affect the incidence of total and killed-or-severely-injured (KSI) crashes involving older drivers and pedestrians.
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Report to the U.S. Congress on the Outcomes of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This report presents the outcomes of the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program in four US communities.
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Proven Countermeasures for Pedestrian Safety

Source: Public Roads Magazine, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
FHWA and many State DOTs are relying on the demonstrated effectiveness of medians and walkways to help protect those on foot.
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Evaluation of Alternative Pedestrian Traffic Control Devices

Source: Oregon Department of Transportation
This report summarizes a field study and survey of two treatments in Oregon: Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons and Pedestrian Hybrid beacons.
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New Jersey Safety along Railroads: Short-Term Action Plan

Source: New Jersey Department of Transportation
This action plan was developed to improve pedestrian safety near rail corridors in New Jersey.
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