More Bike Share Resources

Why dockless bikes are the symbol of our future cities

Source: World Economic Forum
Describes how dockless bike share can bring a myriad of health, climate, and economic benefits, and reshape urban mobility and give people a more resilient, effective way to travel.
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E-Scooter Management in Midsized Cities in the United States

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Info brief documents practices, challenges, and opportunities related to micromobility, specifically e-scooters, in nine midsized US cities.
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The Basics of Micromobility and Related Motorized Devices for Personal Transport

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Typology and framework that classifies and defines vehicles and emerging “micromobility” devices for integrating into transportation systems.
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Dockless Electric Kick Scooter Systems: What we know and don’t know

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Presentation of overview of E-scooters in shared mobility systems across the United States.
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Strategies for Engaging Community: Developing Better Relationships Through Bike Share

Source: NACTO and Better Bike Share Partnership
Provides guidance for building meaningful and effective relationships with constituents and historically underserved communities.
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Transportation Equity

Source: Pedestrian Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
An equitable transportation system fosters fairness and helps facilitate access to opportunities for all community members. The PBIC white paper, Pursuing Equity in Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning,
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Breaking Barriers to Bike Share: Insights on Equity from a Survey of Bike Share System Owners and Operators

Source: National Institute for Transportation
This National Institute for Transportation and Communities report assesses equity efforts of more than 50 bike share systems in the United States.
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Silent Barriers to Bicycling

Source: Better Bike Share Partnership (BBSP)
BBSP's four-part blog series entitled Silent Barriers to Bicycling details findings from two Rutgers University researchers regarding bicycling among Blacks and Latinos.
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Birmingham Will Get North America's First Electric-Assist Bike Share

Source: PeopleForBikes
There are already too many barriers to riding. The bicycle itself should be easy. That's part of the thought behind Birmingham's decision to become the first city in North and South America to launch a bike share system that includes electric pedal-
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The Four Horsemen of the Bike Share Apocalypse: What kept Seattle's Pronto! bike share program from thriving?

Source: Citylab
What kept Seattle's Pronto! bike share program from thriving? Turns out it was several things.
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