More Safety Communications Resources

Increasing the Percentage of Drivers Yielding to Pedestrians in Three Canadian Cities with a Multifaceted Safety Program

Source: Health Education Research
This experiment evaluated the efficacy of a multifaceted pedestrian safety program in three Canadian cities.
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The impact of a media campaign in the reduction of risk-taking behavior on the part of drivers

Source: Accident, Analysis, & Prevention
As part of an ongoing media educational campaign to enhance pedestrian safety in the Victoria (Canada) metropolitan area, multimedia campaigns have been targeted at drivers.
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The Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals in Lake Buena Vista

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of countdown signals at intersections in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
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Bicycle Friendly Business Campaign

Source: League of American Bicyclists
The Bicycle Friendly Business (BFB) program recognizes employers' efforts to encourage a more bicycle friendly atmosphere for employees and customers.
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Overcoming Opposition to Sidewalk Construction

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
A Safe Routes to School committee used neighborhood relationships and informational flyers to build support for the construction of a sidwalk near a local school.
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Creating Active Rural Communities

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Through a combination of partnerships, planning, and advocacy, municipalities were able to develop and promote active living practices in rural Haliburton County.
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Bike to Work Week: A Case Study in Successful Behavior Change

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Coordinators attempted to increase participation in Bike to Work Week by narrowing the event's focus and discarding or changing components that didn't attract new cyclists.
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Source: Institute for Road Safety Research (SWOV)
This report briefly presents pedestrian safety statistics and gives an overview of techniques used to improve safety.
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Walk Wise, Drive Smart

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Safety concerns for senior pedestrians led to the beginning of Walk Wise, Drive Smart, a program in Hendersonville, North Carolina that specifically caters to the needs of older pedestrians.
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Pulaski County Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge -- Murray Lock and Dam

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
A pedestrian and bicycle bridge stretches over 4,000 feet in length to connect pedestrian and bicycle trails on the north and south ends of the Arkansas River.
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