More Equity Resources

Visuals Convey Difference between Equality and Equity

Source: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Shares updated ways to visually convey the difference between equality and equity.
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Comprehensive Look at Bike Helmets

Source: Slate
Documents the history of bicycle helmets.
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ITE Foundational Equity Glossary Draft

Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
Provides a consistent and standard way to evaluate transportation equity.
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Seattle models strategies for equitably advancing safe walking and biking for youth

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) and Vision Zero for Youth
Offers a look at Seattle's strategies for equitably advancing safe walking and biking for youth.
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Vision Zero for Youth Demonstration Project, Philadelphia, PA, 2019-2021

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center and Toole Design
Summarizes a combination of “Vision Zero for Youth” approaches with a focus on systemic pedestrian safety analysis that reinforces the City’s commitment to youth road safety to gain an understanding of replicable strategies and tools for other cities to use.
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Connecting New Concepts to Advance Pedestrian Safety

PBIC is observing Pedestrian Safety Month by sharing resources, webinars, and other tools to help advance safety for people who walk, bike, and use other nonmotorized modes.
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Measuring Access to Opportunities to Advance Equity

Source: Conveyal
Describes a tool to quantify access to opportunities and progress toward equitable transportation systems, particularly public transit and active modes of transportation. Its routing software is published under a permissive open-
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First Steps of TREC Anti-Racism Plan: Input on Racial Justice in Transportation Syllabi

Source: Transportation Research and Education Center (TREC), Portland State University (PSU
Provides resources for teaching race, racism, and equity in transportation planning
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Innovations in Transportation Equity for Latino Communities: Voices for Healthy Kids Grant Summary Report

Source: Salud America
Recommends bringing Latinos and Latino issues into transportation and planning conversations and ways to move toward transportation equity.
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Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes

Source: Transportation Research Board
Transportation agencies that manage federally funded programs and projects are responsible for ensuring that their plans, programs, policies, services, and investments benefit everyone in their jurisdictions equitably.
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