More Design and Engineering Guidance Resources

Complete Streets in Pittsburgh, PA Vital for Improving Public Health

Source: Smart Growth America
Describes in text and via a brief video how Pittsburgh, PA used its complete streets policy and updated street design guidelines as a blueprint to design and build safer street networks that provide mobility for all.
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Facilities for Walking and Biking Can Increase Safety, but Intersections Still Lag

Source: State Smart Transportation Initiative
Reports on a study investigating correlation between pedestrian crashes and sidewalk gaps within the Central Florida region.
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Crash Modification Factor for Corner Radius, Right-Turn Speed, and Prediction of Pedestrian Crashes at Signalized Intersections

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Investigates engineering approaches to reducing pedestrian crashes at intersections.
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An Analysis of the Final Mile Bicycle Infrastructure Program

Source: Urban Institute
Reports on the successes and challenges of the Final Mile program which funded communications campaigns, sustained advocacy efforts, and engineering consulting in five US cities to help stimulate further investment in cycling infrastructure.
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European Geometric Design Parameters for Cycling Infrastructure

Source: European Cyclists' Federation
Offers a factsheet of the most common requirements in geometric design standards for bicycling infrastructure adopted across 15 different European countries.
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Portland Pollinator Corridor Bikeway Case Study

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Profiles the development of a pollinator coordinator bikeway in Portland, OR.
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Traffic Signal Control Strategies for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Source: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Provides a guide to tools, performance measures, and policy information to help agencies design and operate signalized intersections.
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New FHWA Complete Streets Report to Congress

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Recommends making Complete Streets the default road design model to help improve safety and access for all users.
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Breaking the Cycle: Reevaluating Bike Laws

Source: NACTO
Identifies commonly enforced biking laws, policies, rules, and procedures and provides a discussion on their observed and potential harm.
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Road to Zero: Doubling Down on What Works Resource Library

Source: Road to Zero Coalition
Shares general knowledge and strategies around road safety through a resource library.
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