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Pedestrian Safety Talking Points

Source: NHTSA
This list of pedestrian safety talking points is a useful tool for making presentations to community groups and organizations. It explains the effects of motor vehicle crashes on pedestrian safety and provides statistics regarding pedestrian safety.
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The Facts: Alcohol Impaired Pedestrians Among Diverse Populations

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Summary of a study that addressed the involvement of various cultural populations in alcohol-related pedestrian crashes, and suggested potential countermeasures targeting this problem.
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Be Alert and Share the Road

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
This one-page publication provides summer safety messages for a variety of audiences from your friends at NHTSA.
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Initiating Change

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
The following resources include how to organize and grow your bicycle advocacy organization, how to acquire resources, working with the media and community leaders and choosing issues.
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Hey! Older pedestrians need more time than that to cross a street!

Source: Highway Safety Research Center
This article focuses on the need for longer traffic walk lights, zoning, and education for the older pedestrian population. This article was written for the Partnership for a Walkable America by Emily Smith of the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.
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Give Elderly Pedestrians More Time To Cross Intersections

Source: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
The objective of this research was to determine the difficulties encountered at five intersections in Miami Beach by older pedestrians, and to generate recommendations that address these difficulties.
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Focusing on the Senior Pedestrian

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This short web document addresses the unique difficulties of the senior pedestrian, illustrating with charts and graphs.
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Walkable Communities, Inc.

Source: Walkable Communities, Inc.
Walkable Communities is dedicated to helping whole communities, whether they are large cities, small towns, or parts of communities,become more walkable and pedestrian friendly.
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Bicycle/Pedestrian Trip Generation Workshop

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This document is a summary of the results of a 1996 FHWA sponsored workshop to discuss trip generation.
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Boulder, CO: Transportation Master Plan

Source: City of Boulder
Pedestrian planning is fully integrated into the Boulder, CO Transportation Master Plan. The plan outlines modal split targets of 15 percent by bike and 24 percent by foot by 2020 and offers a variety of resources to transportation officials seeking to increase pedestrian travel.
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