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Another Look at Germany's Bicycle Boom

Source: World Transport Policy and Practice
This article attempts to determine the reason for the substantial increase in bicycling in Germany since the early 1970s. It considers two potential sources for the increase: urban planning and external social factors.
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An Intensive Pedestrian Safety Engineering Study Using Computerized Crash Analysis

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This paper describes the technical procedures and the pedestrian countermeasure plan that resulted from an intensive study designed to analyze pedestrian injuries by zones (i.e., neighborhoods or districts)
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America's Kids are More Inactive Than Ever - Walking Can Make a Healthy Difference

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This paper discusses the role of walking and physical activity in combating childhood obesity.
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Active Transportation Policy Issues

Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute
This paper provides background information on active transportation to facilitate discussion of national active transportation policy and legislation at the Active Transportation Roundtable.
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Active Living Approaches by Local Government

Source: International City/County Management Association
This paper discusses the results of surveys of local government officials regarding their ability to encourage active living in communities.
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Active Living and Social Equity: Creating Healthy Communities for All Residents

Source: International City/County Management Association
This guide explains the connections between active living and social equity, provides a toolbox of local government strategies for promoting active living equitably, and highlights notable examples of local initiatives from around the country.
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Active Facts: Parks, Trails, and Recreation

Source: Active Living Resource Center
This document stresses the importance of recreation in our everyday lives and the role that parks and trails play in encouraging active lifestyles. It provides indicators to assess your community recreational services.
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A Review of the Impacts of the Towaway Reporting Threshold on a Highway Safety Program

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This study reviews the potential impacts of a towaway reporting threshold on the North Carolina Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) listings and on the locations and types of crash patterns identified on collision diagrams by field engineers.
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A Review of ITS-Based Pedestrian Injury Countermeasures

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This report reviews previous scientific evaluation of red light enforcement cameras, illuminated walk signal push buttons, automated pedestrian detection systems for traffic signals, flashing crosswalk lights,
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A Return on Investment Analysis of Bikes-on-Bus Programs

Source: National Center For Transit Research, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida
This paper looks at the return on investment for Bikes-on-Bus programs. The document includes recommendations on how transit agencies can overcome rack capacity limitations.
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