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Can Pedestrian-friendly Planning Encourage Us to Walk?

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This online article discusses the effect of pedestrian-friendly design on the number of pedestrians in a community and summarizes recent research related to healthm, urban design, and pedestrian safety.
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Camina con Inteligencia, Virginia

Source: Virginia Department of Health
This brochure promotes pedestrian safety in Spanish.
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California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking

Source: California Department of Transportation
The California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking provides ambitious goals of a 50 percent increase in bicycling and walking trips by 2010, a 50 percent decrease in bicycle and pedestrian fatality rates by 2010,
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California Bicycle Helmet Campaign

Source: State of California
The California Bicycle Helmet Campaign is designed to educate families and promote bicycle helmet use. This document contains a 13 step guide to conducting a safe bicycle helmet campaign.
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Bus Stop Style Guide

Source: PPK Environment & Infrastructure
This document is a style guide for bus stops in urban areas in New South Wales.
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Building Community Support for Pedestrian Safety and Developing a Blueprint for Action

Source: 2004 National Congress of Pedestrian Advocates
This presentation describes the pedestrian safety campaign undertaken by Montgomery County, Maryland in 2004 including education, enforcement, engineering, and media elements.
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Blueprint for Better Biking: 40 Ways to Get There

Source: Bicycle Transportation Alliance
This guide provides innovative solutions to substantially increase cycling in the Portland, Oregon, area.
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Bikeway Planning and Design

Source: California Highway Design
This section of a design manual provides various design information for bikeway planning and design. Topics covered include facility selection, design criteria, design speeds, suface tolerances, and more.
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Bike Safety Cartoon

Source: Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
This cartoon teaches children to check their helmets, brakes, handlebars, and tires before riding.
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Bike Lane Safety Information

Source: Texas Bicycle Coalition
This pamphlet answers frequenty asked questions about bicycle lanes, and encourages drivers to share the road.
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