More International Resources Resources

VMT Visualizer Tool for CA

Source: Fehr & Peers
Describes a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) visualizer tool for California developed with 2019 StreetLight data.
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Understanding the Uniform Guidance Requirements for Federal Awards Self-Directed Training

Source: National Highway Institute
Offers an overview of the Uniform Guidance: Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 CFR 200, the cornerstone of federal grants and financial assistance.
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Multimodal Bike Planning Infographic

Source: FHWA Office of International Programs
Provides an overview of multimodal bike planning learned through binational collaboration with the Netherlands.
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Complete Streets Infographic

Source: FHWA Office of International Programs
Provides an overview of the Complete Streets concept as shaped by international exchanges and scans, related data, and benefits of the approach.
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"My Street" Evidence-Based Planning Tool

Source: FHWA and VHB
A sketch-level planning tool.
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Complete Streets: Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

Source: FHWA Public Roads Magazine Winter 2023 Issue
Compiles FHWA activities and ongoing efforts to promote the Complete Streets model through the lens of five areas.
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A DIY E-Bike Snowplow

Source: Bicycling
Shares a video of a cyclist using a snowplow mounted on an e-bike to clear bikeways and sidewalks after a light snow in Victoria, British Columbia.
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Black Girls Do Bike Has Been Breaking Down Barriers for 10 Years

Source: Bicycling
The nonprofit champions efforts to introduce the joy of cycling to all women, but especially black women and girls.
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Will Justice40 Finally Help Disadvantaged Communities?

Source: Streetsblog USA
Assesses the USDOT announced plans to implement the Justice40 policy.
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Transport is the Leading Source of U.S. Emissions — Again

Source: Streetsblog USA
Considers effectiveness of enacted policies to achieve climate goals.
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