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Pedestrian Safety Handbook

Source: San Francisco Department of Public Health
This handbook contains information on pedestrian safety in the San Francisco area. Includes a primer on pedestrian crashes, myths and facts about pedestrian safety, signage, what to do if one is involved in a crash,
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Pedestrian Safety Curriculum

Source: Bicycle Transportation Alliance
This document is a sample in-school program delivered to 2nd and 3rd graders.
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Pedestrian Safety Checklist: Teach Your Children

Source: National Safe Kids Campaign
This checklist provides a list of topics parents should cover when instructing children regarding pedestrian safety.
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Pedestrian Safety and Transit Corridors

Source: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), Washington State Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration
This research examines the relationship between pedestrian accident locations on state-owned facilities (highways and urban arterials) and the presence of rider boardings and alightings from bus transit.
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Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Aids for Crossings at Bus Stops

Source: New Jersey Department of Transportation, The Federal Highway Administration
This paper describes a project initiated by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJ TRANSIT) to investigate solutions poor mid-block crossings that would benefit pedestrians and encourage mass transit ridership.
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Pedestrian Grade Separation Locations: A Priority Ranking System

Source: New Jersey Department of Transportation
This report describes the development of a priority ranking system for locations whre the installation of a pedestrian grade separation is proposed.
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Pedestrian Design Treatments

Source: Washington State Department of Transportation
These diagrams provide illustrative examples of different design treatments for intersections.
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Pedestrian Crosswalk Safety: Evaluating In-Pavement, Flashing Warning Lights

Source: Federal Highway Administration, New Jersey Department of Transportation
This report describes work undertaken to determine the effect of an in-pavement flashing warning light system installed on a crosswalk on pedestrian safety, relative to striping.
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Pedestrian and Bicyclist Standards and Innovations in Large Central Cities

Source: Rudin Center for Transportation Policy and Management at NYU Wagner
The report reviews how best to accommodate the use of bicycles and walking while ensuring safety and sufficient mobility for motor vehicles for large central cities and provides examples of best practices in various cities nationally and internationally.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Evaluation for the City of Emeryville at Four Intersections

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This study attempts to predict the impacts of increasing volumes of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic in Emeryville, California.
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