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Safety & Locational Criteria for Bicycle Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This manual is designed to assist a designer of bicycle facilties in providing a safe and effective environment for bicyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicle operators.
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Case Study No. 24: Current Planning Guidelines and Design Standards Being Used by State and Local Agencies for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities

Source: Federal Highway Administration
It is the goal of this case study to define current planning guidelines and design standards that are being used by States and localities fo the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and identify state-
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Case Study No. 23: The Role of Local Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinators

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report provides a model for how a City, County or Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) can create a bicycle/pedestrian coordinator position that will most effectively accomodate, and encourage bicyclists and pedestrians.
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Case Study No. 22: The Role of State Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinators

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The purpose of this case study is to discuss the role of State bicycle/pedestrian coordinators. One particular focus is on hose coordinators should structure the mix of pedestrian and bike duties in their programs.
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Case Study No. 21: Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Considerations into State and Local Transportation Planning, Design, and Operations

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report examines the process of "institutionalization" of bicycle and pedestrian considerations. It follows the process of institutionalization, the elements of integration, methods to legitimize bicycling and walking,
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Case Study No. 20: The Effects of Environmental Design on the Amount and Type of Bicycling and Walking

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report focuses on the effects of environmental design on the amount and type of bicylcing and walking in downtown, spcifically.
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Case Study No. 19: Traffic Calming, Auto-Restricted Zones and Other Traffic Management Techniques - Their Effects on Bicycling and Pedestrians

Source: Federal Highway Administration
The body of this report can be divided into three parts. The first two major sections examine the history and traffic-calming techniques installed in Europe, Japan, and the United States. The final section of the report examines the practical and policy implication of traffic calming.
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Case Study No. 18: Analyses of Successful Provincial, State, and Local Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs in Canada and the United States

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report reviews various potential indicators of success demonstrated by different programs to determine how very different bicycle and pedestrian programs can be compared and used as an example or model for other communities.
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Case Study No. 17: Bicycle and Pedestrian Policies and Programs in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report examines biycle and pedestrian programs and policies in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, with particular attention to lessons that may be useful to U.S. transportation professionals and policymakers.
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Case Study No. 16: A Study of Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs in European Countries

Source: Federal Highway Administration
Most European nations have embarked on programs to reduce congestion, lower traffic accidents and improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. This paper concentrates on the ways bicycle and pedestrian facilities have been improved and cyclists and pedestrians benefited by these practices of &
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