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National Household Travel Survey

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This page provides links to the National Household Travel Survey reports for each year it was published between 1969-2001.
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Consumer Product Safety Commission Recreational Safety Publications

Source: United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
This page provides a safety reports concerning a variety of recreational and sports activities.
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Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
This site freely offers extensive data, statistics, and reports concerning transportation in the United States in addition to an online bookstore.
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Bike Plan Source Hot Topics provided by Tracy-Williams Consulting

Source: Tracy-Williams Consulting
The Bike Plan Source page provides articles on various topics relating to designing for bicycles.
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Links to state bicycle laws provided by Bicycle Coalition of Massachusetts

Source: Bicycle Coalition of Massachusetts
This page provides links to bicycle laws around the country.
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Links to pedestrian issues and organizations provided by PEDS

Source: Pedestrians Educating Drivers on Safety, Inc. (PEDS)
This page provides links to both Atlanta-based and national organizations including neighborhood associations, transportation agencies, and advocacy groups.
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Links to bicycle education and safety sites provided by Chainguard

Source: Chainguard
This page provides links to safety and educational sites.
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Links to bicycle advocacy web sites provided by ProBicycle

Source: ProBicycle
This page provides links to a variety of sites supporting vehicular cycling, including national, state, local, and advocacy orgranizations.
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Links to bicycling organizations and resources provided by Bicycles, Inc.

Source: Bicycles, Inc.
This page contains an extensive list of links to bicycle clubs, industry suppliers, advocacy organizations, and touring outfits.
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Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Information

Source: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
This site provides the state bicycle and pedestrian plans, in addition to safety and crash information for citizens and instructors.
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