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Reassessing the Relative Dangers of Walking and Motoring

Source: Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida
This paper proposes a new approach to risk measurement to reassess the relative injury risk from motor vehicles between walking and motoring.
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Street Crossing Issues for Persons With Cognitive Disabilities

Source: Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
This paper discusses issues and skills affecting safe crossing by persons with cognitive disabilities, and calls for research to identify design features, signalization and technologies that can enable users with cognitive disabilities to cross safely.
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Recommended Walking Speeds for Pedestrian Clearance Timing Base on Pedestrian Characteristics

Source: University of Wisconsin, Madison
Data from 1,947 pedestrian crossing events measured at eleven intersections in Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin were analyzed to determine the effect of subject age and disability, intersection traffic control condition,
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Quantitative Measurement Procedures for Pedestrian Service at Signalized Intersections

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper presents a case study evaluating pedestrian service based on three discrete pedestrian crossing outcomes: non-conflicting, compromised, and failed. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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Pedestrian Volume Modeling for Traffic Safety and Exposure Analysis

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This paper examines three types of pedestrian volume models in light of their usefulness for estimating pedestrian exposure for pedestrian safety research.
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Pedestrian Conspicuity at Night: How Much Biological Motion is Enough?

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper describes how inadequate conspicuity has been shown to be a key causal factor in nighttime vehicle-pedestrian collisions. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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Observational Analysis of Pedestrian, Bicyclist, and Motorist Behaviors at Roundabouts in the United States

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper focused on analyzing the interactions between motorists and pedestrians or bicyclists at roundabouts. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board, or accessed by subscribers.
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National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper discusses the various challenges the pedestrian and bicycle field in documenting usage and demand. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board, or accessed by subscribers.
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Motorist Yielding to Pedestrians at Unsignalized Intersections

Source: Transportation Research Board
This paper describes the evaluation of engineering treatments that can be used to improve the safety of pedestrians crossing in marked crosswalks on busy arterial streets. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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Modeling Pedestrian Trip Generation in Urban Areas

Source: Transportation Research Board
This study investigates factors that can be used to quantify peak hour daily pedestrian trips in urban areas to help estimate pedestrian trips. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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