More International Resources Resources

Implementing Bicycle Improvements at the Local Level

Source: Federal Highway Administration, Bicycle Federation of America
Demonstrates what facility designs and operational practices can be used to enhance bicycle travel.
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Geometric Design Practices for European Roads

Source: International Technology Exchange Program, Federal Highway Administration
Presents examples of European design practice and operations.
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Flexibility in Highway Design

Source: Federal Highway Administration
Presents methods of designing facilities that are sensitive to the surrounding environment that still meet accepted design guidelines.
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Funding Sources for Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This page lists and describes various sources of federal funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
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A Citizen's Guide to Transportation Decisionmaking

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
This guide is intended to help community members understand how transportation decisions are made at the local, state, and national levels.
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Designing to Reduce Childhood Obesity

Source: Active Living Research
This research summary gives a synopsis of the current state of peer-reviewed research into what environmental factors may be related to young people's eating and physical activity patterns.
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Designing for Active Transportation

Source: Active Living Research
This research summary gives a synopsis of the current state of peer-reviewed research into what makes a community "walkable" or "bikeable," so people can get physical activity as part of their daily routine -
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Designing for Active Recreation

Source: Active Living Research
This research summary gives a synopsis of the current state of peer-reviewed research into what constitutes an "activity-friendly environment" for recreational physical activity.
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Ride your bike! Measures to Promote Cycling in Germany

Source: German Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing
Germany's national cycling strategy 2002-2012 aims to promote cycling in Germany as part of a sustainable, integrated transport policy.
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Active Community Environments Initiative (ACES)

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Active Community Environments Initiative (ACES) promotes walking, bicycling, and the development of accessible recreation facilities.
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