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Evaluation of Pedestrian Countdown Signals in Montgomery County, Maryland

Source: Transportation Research Board
Pedestrian countdown signals installed at five intersections in Montgomery County, Maryland, were evaluated with a before-and-after study.
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A Method for Estimating Pedestrian Volume for Street Intersections in San Francisco

Source: Department of Geography and Human Environmental Studies - San Francisco State University
This paper presents a model for estimating pedestrian volume in San Francisco, and examines the built environment at multiple geographic scales and included pedestrian activities of all potential trip purposes.
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The Fatality Risk of Walking in America

Source: Center for Urban Transportation Research - University of South Florida
This paper proposes a time-based comparative approach to examining the fatality risk of walking.
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Making Walking and Cycling Safer

Source: Transportation Quarterly, Vol. 54, No. 3
This document outlines programs in Germany and the Netherlands that have improved mobility through non-motorized modes of transportation.
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Context Sensitive Solutions in Designing major Urban Thoroughfares for Walkable Communities

Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
This report provides guidance and demonstrates for practitioners how context sensitive solutions (CSS) cocepts and principles may be applied in roadway improvement projects that are consistent with their physical settings.
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Designing for Pedestrians

Source: Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State's Designing for Pedestrians website offers assistance in the form of research materials, frequently asked questions, and outlines of design standards.
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Bike to WorkShop

Source: Bike to Work Victoria
This outline of Victoria's Bike to Work workshop is a helpful resource for those who want to organize their own bike to work program.
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Technical Handbook of Bikeway Design

Source: Velo Quebec
This third edition, revised and expanded, contains an impressive amount of essential information to successfully plan and create effective, efficient facilities.
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Advantages of Bike Lanes

Source: Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee
This document contains a list of bike lane benefits to bicycles, drivers, and pedestrians.
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Berkeley, CA: Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines

Source: City of Berkeley
This report describes the process by which Bicycle Boulevards were enhanced through the incorporation of specific tools and strategies.
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