More Funding Projects and Programs Resources

Complete Streets: Prioritizing Safety for All Road Users

Source: FHWA Public Roads Magazine Winter 2023 Issue
Compiles FHWA activities and ongoing efforts to promote the Complete Streets model through the lens of five areas.
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Cycling through the COVID-19 Pandemic to a More Sustainable Transport Future

Source: Sustainability
This article examines the impact of COVID-19 on cycling levels and government policies toward cycling over the period 2019 to 2021.
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Understanding the 2021 Infrastructure Law

Source: Transportation for America
Provides an overview and summary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, charts to illustrate where infrastructure funds are going, descriptions of competitive grant programs, and other resources.
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FHWA Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Webpage

Source: FHWA
Serves as a one-stop shop for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and its implementation.
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Active Transportation Funding and Financing Toolkit

Source: FHWA
Highlights innovative funding and finance strategies for implementing active transportation projects.
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Moving to a Complete Streets Design Model: A Report to Congress on Opportunities and Challenges

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Details efforts to advance Complete Streets as its approach for funding and designing the majority of Federally funded roads to improve safety and accessibility for all road users.
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Connecting New Concepts to Advance Pedestrian Safety

PBIC is observing Pedestrian Safety Month by sharing resources, webinars, and other tools to help advance safety for people who walk, bike, and use other nonmotorized modes.
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Understanding and Tackling Micromobility: Transportation’s New Disruptor

Source: Governors' Highway Safety Association
Explores six micromobility challenges – oversight, funding, data collection, enforcement, infrastructure, and education – and the role State Highway Safety Offices and their partners can play to help address them.
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Boosting Active Transportation Through Regional Planning

Source: Safe Routes Partnership
Describes crucial opportunities to influence a region’s long-term commitment to active transportation and transit via the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) planning process, and how to ensure that funding goes to specific biking,
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Influencing Complete Streets Policies at the Regional Level

Source: Safe Routes Partnership
Outlines success stories, best practices, and resources to plan, fund, and build safer, more convenient streets for biking and walking through Complete Streets policies.
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