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On the Move: by Foot

Source: Department for Transport
This document suggests how we might both improve conditions for walking and increase the number of journeys made on foot.
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Colorado Bicycling Manual

Source: Colorado Department of Transportation Bicycle/Pedestrian Program
This compendium of bicycling information is designed to encourage the use of bicycles by providing information about bicycling in Colorado to make it an easy, safe, and satisfying experience.
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The Effects of Pedestrian Countdown Signals in Lake Buena Vista

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of countdown signals at intersections in Lake Buena Vista, Florida.
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An Evaluation of Flashing Crosswalks in Gainesville and Lakeland

Source: Florida Department of Transportation
This report describes evaluations of flashing crosswalks in Gainesville and Lakeland
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Characteristics of Pedestrian Risk in Darkness

Source: The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
This report examines the increased safety risk to pedestrians in darkness by analyzing the distribution of fatal crashes across the annual Daylight Saving Time (DST) transitions.
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Kirkland's Experience with In-Pavement Flashing Lights at Crosswalks

Source: City of Kirkland
This paper describes Kirkland's experience with flashing crosswalks, including how the system works and how it is installed, effectiveness, response from the public and application criteria.
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Transportation-Efficient Land Use Mapping Index(TELUMI)

Source: Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
The objective of this project was to devise a conceptually simple tool that operationalized the complex relationship between land use and travel behavior.
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Walking and Cycling International Literature Review

Source: Victoria Department of Transport
This report presents the findings from a literature review aiming to help professionals understand barriers to walking and cycling as well as infrastructure and policy supports for nonmotorized transportation.
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Back-in/Head-out Angle Parking

Source: NelsonNygaard Consulting Associates
This report briefly discusses the design and benefits of back-in/head-out angle parking and shows where the design has already been implemented.
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Walk the Walk

Source: Transportation Alternatives
Transportation Alternatives (T.A.) identifies dangerous intersections, streets and walking zones of particular use to seniors, and aims to transform them into places that are safe and enjoyable for seniors.
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