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Bicycle Helmets Save Medical Costs for Children

Source: Children's Safety Network
Report provides statistics on the cost of bicycle-related injuries, especially for children, and the benefits of helmet use on injury prevention.
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Sunday Ciclovia: "Bike. Walk. Dance. Breathe."

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
As part of a community-building initiative, the town closed its streets for several hours once a week, opening them to walking, bicycling, and community growth.
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International Scan Summary Report on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety and Mobility

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO), National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP)
This report presents the findings of a team of transportation officials who visited five countries in Europe to identify and assess effective approaches to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety and mobility.
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ADA Transition Plans

Source: The National Academies, National Academy of Sciences, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
The purpose of this document is to ensure that ideas, information, and practices concerning the development and updating of Transition Plans are recognized, recorded, and shared among Departments of Transportation.
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CRC Index: Compatibility of Roads for Cyclists in Rural and Urban Fringe Areas

Source: Transportation Research Board 2003 Annual Meeting
This research aims to build a safety and compatibility index for rural and urban fringe areas, using a combination of parameters (ex. speed, traffic, and layout).
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Pedestrian-Vehicular Crashes: The Influence of Personal and Environmental Factors

Source: University of Maryland
This thesis examines the relationship between land use and pedestrian-vehicle crashes. Analysis focuses on how the pedestrian crashes vary by personal characteristics and physical characteristics of the crash area.
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Cycling and the Built Environment

Source: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
This study uses primary data on the cycling behavior of randomly sampled respondents in urbanized King County, Washington, and parcel-level GIS measures of land use and infrastructure conditions.
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Walking and Bicycling

Source: American Journal of Health Promotion
A review of all published environmental audit instruments was conducted to provide a foundation for developing more valid and efficient audit tools.
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Pedestrian Fatalities, Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area and United States, 2000-2004

Source: Journal of Safety Research
Data from 2000-2004 from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was used to describe pedestrian fatalities in Atlanta and to compare Atlanta with the United States overall.
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Pedestrian Accidents in Marked and Unmarked Crosswalks

Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers
The main goal of this study is to conduct an examination of a group of pedestrian accidents at unprotected crosswalks in LA and determine the validity of the current practices.
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