More Safety Communications Resources

An Advocacy Guide to Repealing Harmful Traffic Laws: Setting Up Your Policy Campaign for Success

Source: Safe Routes Partnership
Provides strategies for repealing racially enforced traffic laws.
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An Analysis of the Final Mile Bicycle Infrastructure Program

Source: Urban Institute
Reports on the successes and challenges of the Final Mile program which funded communications campaigns, sustained advocacy efforts, and engineering consulting in five US cities to help stimulate further investment in cycling infrastructure.
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Snow Clearing Shows Us What Cities Care About

Source: America Walks
Decries car-centered snow clearing practices that leave roads salted and bare while sidewalks remain packed with ice and snow that residents and businesses must each individually clear.
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Influencing Complete Streets Policies at the Regional Level

Source: Safe Routes Partnership
Outlines success stories, best practices, and resources to plan, fund, and build safer, more convenient streets for biking and walking through Complete Streets policies.
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Generating and Prioritizing Funding for Active Transportation

Source: Safe Routes Partnership
Provides success stories, best practices, and resources to secure sustainable regional funding for active transportation and transit.
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Step It Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Provides strategies that communities can use to support walking, which will hopefully result in long-lasting changes to improve the health and health care of Americans today and of the generations that follow.
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A Right to the Road: Understanding and Addressing Bicyclist Safety

Source: Governors Highway Safety Association
This publication analyzes national data to understand fatal bicyclist-motor vehicle crash characteristics, offering 30 actions steps to help State Highway Safety Offices and local communities assess and improve their current bicyclist safety programs.
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Marketing Campaign and PHBs Improve Safety for Pedestrians in Tampa

Source: Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Features a multi-pronged safety project that has resulted in a crash reduction.
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Effectiveness of Behavioral Highway Safety Countermeasures

Source: Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Guides state and local transportation officials in selecting and designing traffic safety campaigns that have the greatest potential for the reduction of highway death and injury.
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Road Safety Campaigns: What the Research Tells Us

Source: Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF)
Provides an overview of theory-informed road safety campaigns, along with example evaluations of campaigns related to drunk and distracted driving, seatbelt use, speeding, and bicyclists and pedestrians.
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