More Safety and Mobility for Older Adults Resources

Dangerous by Design 2024

Source: Smart Growth America
Summarizes a 40-year high in pedestrian deaths and identifies those most at risk.
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Reactions to and Recommendations for the Updated MUTCD

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Compiles initial reactions to and recommendations for the updated 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
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Leveraging Bikes to Lower Emissions, Enhance Mobility and Fight the Climate Crisis

Source: PeopleForBikes
Provides an overview of climate messaging, legislative agenda and actions with the administration to position bicycles as a key part of the solution for climate change.
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Millennials Not Driving as Much as Previous Generations

Source: State Smart Transportation Initiative
Reports on a study that found millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996) prefer to drive about 8-9% less than Generation X and Baby Boomers.
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Estimated Number of Deaths Prevented Through Increased Physical Activity Among US Adults

Source: JAMA Internal Medicine
The findings support implementing evidence-based strategies to improve physical activity to potentially reduce deaths.
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Improving Mobility and Quality of Life for Older Adults

Source: National Institute for Transportation and Communities
Considers the mobility challenges, barriers, and gaps older adults experience to help develop forms of assistance or educational strategies to fill them.
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Delivery Cyborg Pushed Off Toronto, Canada Streets Over Safety and Accessibility Concerns

Source: Treehugger
Reports that 10-pound delivery cyborgs (a robot-like machine piloted remotely by a human using a computer and a joystick) are banned from Toronto, Canada streets.
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Multiple Effects of E-Biking on Older Adults Observational Study

Source: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Studies Flemish and Dutch older adults to examine the effects of starting to e-bike on total and conventional biking frequencies, walking for transport, self-rated health, functionality and life space area.
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How to Engage with New Elected Leaders

Source: Transportation for America
Offers three tips for engaging with newly elected officials on transportation projects.
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The Future of E-Bikes on Public Lands: How to Effectively Manage a Growing Trend

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Offers a comprehensive framework to study the opportunities and challenges related to e-bikes in a public lands context.
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