More Equity Resources

Case Study: E-Bike Libraries Advance Mobility Options, Incorporate Equity and Climate Goals

Source: FHWA
Showcases an e-bike lending library program in Latino neighborhoods.
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Actions for Decriminalizing Transportation and Movement: A Vision for Antiracist Approaches to Safety

Source: Transportation Equity Caucus
Proposes principles for equitable transportation to ensure safety for marginalized groups.
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Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Explores the enduring effects of segregation and present-day social factors on current street conditions around schools and disinvested communities via a StoryMap focusing on these impacts in Atlanta,
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Making Travel More Equitable for People with Disabilities

Source: Transportation Research Board
Offers a four-part series on equity.
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Measuring Access to Opportunities to Advance Equity

Source: Conveyal
Describes a tool to quantify access to opportunities and progress toward equitable transportation systems, particularly public transit and active modes of transportation.
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Economic Benefits and Shared Prosperity with Form-Based Codes

Source: Smart Growth America
Reports on research showing how form-based codes produce better economic outcomes, lead to positive impacts for equity and equitable development, and provide the best zoning and regulatory framework for good smart growth development.
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Micromobility, Equity and Sustainability

Source: International Transport Forum (ITF)
Examines micromobility trends and reviews its benefits and social costs to help develop governance frameworks and regulations that maximize the contributions of e-scooters, electric bikes, and pedal bikes to more sustainable mobility while minimizing negative effects.
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Designing for All Ages and Abilities

Source: NACTO
Provides All Ages and Abilities criteria for selecting and implementing bike facilities.
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Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety in Bus Rapid Transit and High-Priority Bus Corridors

Source: Transit Cooperative Research Program
Examines the state of practice in bus transit corridor planning, design, and construction in relation to pedestrian and bicyclist safety, public health, and equity, with a focus on dedicated bus lanes.
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Bike Equity in Washington, DC

Source: Equitable Cities, Washington Area Bicyclist Association, StreetPlans
Acknowledges the barriers to bicycling that marginalized groups face and provides national and international case studies of cities, organizations, and community groups leading initiatives to increase bicycle ridership among underserved groups and achieve bike equity.
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