More Access for Individuals with Disabilities Resources

Dangerous by Design 2024

Source: Smart Growth America
Summarizes a 40-year high in pedestrian deaths and identifies those most at risk.
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Resources for State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators

Offers information and resources for State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators.
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"Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts" StoryMap Text Content

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Provides a text file of "Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts" StoryMap for ADA/WCAG accessibility.
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Walking to School: Connecting Past and Present Impacts

Source: Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Explores the enduring effects of segregation and present-day social factors on current street conditions around schools and disinvested communities via a StoryMap focusing on these impacts in Atlanta,
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Making Travel More Equitable for People with Disabilities

Source: Transportation Research Board
Offers a four-part series on equity.
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Safe Intersection Crossing for Pedestrians with Disabilities

Source: Carnegie Mellon University
Reports on the development of two capabilities for PedPal, a smartphone app to help pedestrians with disabilities safely cross signalized intersections: an approach to localization accurate enough to detect pedestrian arrival at a given corner as well as active monitoring of progress during crossing,
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Street Quality and the Walking Experience of Adults with Diverse Ages and Disabilities

Source: Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability
Examines adults’ perceptions on trips usually walked, as well as perceptions of desirable trips within walking distance but not walked.
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Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) Announcement

Announces anticipation of adoption of PROWAG to update and expand the existing 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act guidance.
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Delivery Cyborg Pushed Off Toronto, Canada Streets Over Safety and Accessibility Concerns

Source: Treehugger
Reports that 10-pound delivery cyborgs (a robot-like machine piloted remotely by a human using a computer and a joystick) are banned from Toronto, Canada streets.
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San Francisco, CA: E-Scooter Program for People with Disabilities

Source: Next City
Reports that Bird is expanding a pilot to make adaptive e-scooters and e-wheelchairs available for shared use on San Francisco streets.
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