Tribal Transportation Strategic Safety Plan

Source: Tribal Transportation Safety Management System Steering Committee

Transportation safety issues have long plagued Native American and Alaska Native populations. Motor vehicle crash statistics describe fatality rates that are higher among the Native American and Alaska Native populations than the overall population in many states. Motor vehicle crashes are among the leading causes of death for Native Americans and Alaska Natives. An estimated average of 535 Native American and Alaska Native fatalities due to motor vehicle related crashes were reported each year 2010-2014. Additional transportation related deaths are known to occur that are not captured in the available databases.

Data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) showed 3,278 available fatality reports in Tribal areas from 2010-2014 despite known underreporting. An analysis of these fatality reports revealed several topics that are addressed in this National Tribal Transportation Safety Plan. The topics presented were selected by the Tribal Transportation Safety Management System Steering Committee after review of several data sources. Topics include pedestrian safety data analysis and discussion.

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