Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Among Hispanics

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

In an effort to reduce pedestrian and bicycle fatalities involving newly-arrived Hispanic immigrants, NHTSA has made available these traffic safety materials in Spanish (e.g., posters, brochures, radio announcements, et al) for use by local, State, and national traffic safety advocates in our combined effort to educate these newly-arrived individuals on pedestrian and bicycle safety in the United States.

Background: When Hispanic immigrants arrive here, they often rely on bicycles and/or walking as their primary means of transportation. However, they often are not familiar with our traffic signs, signals, and practices. Their language barrier may also affect their ability to understand how to safely travel. For these reasons, they are at a higher risk of being involved in pedestrian and/or bicycle crashes. Hispanic adult men, in particular, may be at an even higher risk.

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