Blaming Children for Child Pedestrian Injuries

Source: Federal Highway Administration, Elsevier Science Ltd.

"Pedestrian injuries are a leading cause of childhood mortality. In this paper a case study of a child pedestrian death is presented in order to examine the apportionment of responsibility for child pedestrian injuries. The case presented illustrates how responsibility is located with the child, whilststructural contributors, in particular aspects of the transport system, are ignored. The strength and pervasiveness of the ideology of victim blaming in child pedestrian injuries is explained by the special position that the road transport system holds in relation to dominant economic interests. Victim blaming ideology is a strategy that serves to maintain these interests at the expense and suffering of children. Increased recognition of the political roots of the ideology of victim blaming in child pedestrian injuries, by the sectors of the community who suffer its consequences, will be an important step towards effective preventive action."

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