Bicycle Crash Types: A 1990's Informational Guide

Source: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

This bicycle crash type informational guide is a supplement to the research report entitled, "Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Types of the Early 1990's." The purpose fo the research was to apply the baseic National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) pedestrian and bicyclist typologies to a sample of recent crashes and to refine and update the crash type distributions with particular attention to roadway and locational factors. Five thousand pedestrian- and 3,00 bicycle-motor vehicle crashes were coded in a population-based sample drawn from the States of California, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah. The bicycle-motor vehicle crash types distributed as: (1) parallel path events - 36 percent, (2) crsssing path events - 57 percent, and (3) specific circumstances - 6 percent. This particular informational guide provides detail on specific bicycle-motor vehicle crash types (e.g. motorist left turn facing the cyclist) through two-page layouts that contain a sketch, description, and summary of the crash type, various graphs, and "bullet" information boxes. A similar informational guide, "Pedestrian Crash Types: A 1990's Informational Guide" is availalbe for pedestrian-motor vehicle crashes.

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