More International Resources Examples

Bikeway Planning and Design

Source: California Highway Design
This section of a design manual provides various design information for bikeway planning and design. Topics covered include facility selection, design criteria, design speeds, suface tolerances, and more.
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Bike and Pedestrian Projects: Best Practices in New Jersey and Beyond

Source: Transportation Policy Institute
This presentation shows examples of good pedestrian and bicycle design in New Jersey. It discusses the need for pedestrian and bicycle facilities and the impact that walkable designs have on public health.
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Bicycling Renaissance in North America?

Source: Transportation Research Part A
This article looks at the potential for growth in bicycling's modal share of trip choice. It considers recent trends in bicycle use in both the USA and Europe and discusses what factors limit further expansion of this transportation mode.
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Bicycling in Washington, DC: A Call to Action

Source: Washington Area Bicyclist Association
This report highlights needed improvements in six areas to increase bicycling in Washington, D.C. and offers three immediate action items for the District government.
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Bicycle Tourism: Texas' Untapped Resource

Source: Texas Bicycle Coalition
This pamphlet describes the ways that bicycling can improve the local economy.
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Bicycle Safety Rodeo Manual

Source: Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute
This document describes bicycle rodeos which the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute believes are a proven way to teach safety skills to children in a fun setting.
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Bicycle Helmet Use Laws

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
This report presents the experiences of six jurisdictions in enacting and implementing bicycle helmet use laws.
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Bicycle Access to Public Transportation: Learning from Abroad

Source: Institute for Transportation Engineers Journal
This paper studies bicycling in Europe and concludes American communities need to consider new more cost-effective strategies to expand transit use and reduce automobile dependence. This resource can be purchased through the Transportation Research Board,
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Another Look at Germany's Bicycle Boom

Source: World Transport Policy and Practice
This article attempts to determine the reason for the substantial increase in bicycling in Germany since the early 1970s. It considers two potential sources for the increase: urban planning and external social factors.
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Active Transportation Policy Issues

Source: Victoria Transport Policy Institute
This paper provides background information on active transportation to facilitate discussion of national active transportation policy and legislation at the Active Transportation Roundtable.
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