More International Resources Examples

Creating a Healthy Environment: The Impact of the Built Environment on Public Health

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This report looks at the impact that land-use decisions have on public health. "In this monograph, [the authors] decisions, discuss how they affect our health, and offer some suggestions on how public health professionals can collaborate with their colleagues in land-
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Community Design: A Toolkit for Building Physical Activity Into Daily Life

Source: University of Minnesota Metropolitan Design Center
This community tool kit helps community members work towards a building a healthier community that provides the opportunity to incorporate physical activity into every day life.
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Collection of Cycle Concepts

Source: Danish Road Directorate
"Collection of Cycle Concepts is part of the Danish Ministry of Transport's overall plan for promoting more and safer bicycle traffic. The purpose of the book is to present an overview, inspiration and motivation regarding bicycle traffic.
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Changing Directions: Federal Transportation Spending in the 1990s

Source: Surface Transportation Policy Project
In this report, the Surface Transportation Policy Project analyzes ten years of data from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Fiscal Management Information System as well as reports from the Federal Transit Administration that track how the states have spent federal transportation dollars.
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Centers for Disease Control Injury Fact Book

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
This document looks at the nature and costs of injuries in the United States. Information on pedestrian injuries may be found on page 66 of the document, and information on road traffic safety starts on page 71.
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Can Pedestrian-friendly Planning Encourage Us to Walk?

Source: UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center
This online article discusses the effect of pedestrian-friendly design on the number of pedestrians in a community and summarizes recent research related to healthm, urban design, and pedestrian safety.
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California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking

Source: California Department of Transportation
The California Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking provides ambitious goals of a 50 percent increase in bicycling and walking trips by 2010, a 50 percent decrease in bicycle and pedestrian fatality rates by 2010,
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Bus Stop Style Guide

Source: PPK Environment & Infrastructure
This document is a style guide for bus stops in urban areas in New South Wales.
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Building Community Support for Pedestrian Safety and Developing a Blueprint for Action

Source: 2004 National Congress of Pedestrian Advocates
This presentation describes the pedestrian safety campaign undertaken by Montgomery County, Maryland in 2004 including education, enforcement, engineering, and media elements.
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Blueprint for Better Biking: 40 Ways to Get There

Source: Bicycle Transportation Alliance
This guide provides innovative solutions to substantially increase cycling in the Portland, Oregon, area.
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