More International Resources Examples

The Effects of Bicycle Accomodations on Bicycle/Motor Vehicle Safety and Traffic Operations

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This report discusses available research and state-of-the-practice information on wide (unmarked) curb lanes, marked bicycle lanes, shoulders used by bicyclists, and pathways and trails.
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The Pedestrian and Bicyclist Highway Safety Problem as it Relates to the Hispanic Population in the United States

Source: Center for Applied Research, Inc., Federal Highway Administration
This document describes the level of involvement of Hispanics in pedestrian and bicycle crashes.
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Spectrum of Prevention: A Model for Planning Public Health Interventions Traumatic Brain Injury Prevention Helmet Use and Bicycle Safety

Source: California Department of Health Services
This presentation provides information on traumatic brain injury prevention through bicycle helmet use and bicycle safety.
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Safe Kids Worldwide Global Road Safety

Source: Safe Kids Worldwide, United Nations
This report provides information on several Safe Kids Worldwide road safety programs in different countries. Summaries describe the particular problem to be treated, the solution, the program used, and outcomes.
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Remarks of Martin E. Robbins: Moving Transportation in the Right Direction

Source: Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University
These are the remarks of Martin E. Robins, Director of the Voorhees Transportation Policy Institute from his talk entitled "Moving Transportation in the Right Direction."
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Rails with Trails in Canada

Source: Trails Canada
This article outlines some of the potential benefits of rails with trails, concerns, design elements to be considered, and highlights of existing Canadian examples.
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New Community Design to the Rescue

Source: National Governor's Association
This paper discusses the merits of New Community Design (NCD) and the ability of NCD to end sprawl and improve community health.
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Guidelines and Recommendations to Accommodate Older Drivers and Pedestrians

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This project updated, revised, and expanded the scope of the Older Driver Highway Design Handbook published by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in 1998.
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Guide to Bicycle Advocacy

Source: Bikes Belong Coalition, Inc.
This guide provides information for bicycle advocates regarding funding for bicycle facilities and various strategies for advocacy and planning.
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Characteristics of Emerging Road Users and Their Safety

Source: Federal Highway Administration
This study identifies the operational characteristics of an increasingly diverse group of trail and other nonmotorized transportation users.
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